Gita Jayanti Draft 1
Gita Jayanti Draft 2

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Gita Mission

गीता मिशन “हर घर गीता” IITs, IIMs के प्रोफेसर्स और स्टूडेंट्स द्वारा संचालित गैर लाभकारी संस्था है जो भगवद गीता में निहित आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान, विज्ञान,कर्मयोग,जीवन प्रबंधन,चरित्र निर्माण, व्यसन मुक्ति, नेतृत्व,और विश्व शान्ति तथा उच्च जीवन मूल्यों व दर्शन को घर घर में पहुंचाने का काम कर रही है।

Our Activities

Wisdom Lessons From Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Our Vision & Mission


  • Disseminate Bhagavad Gita teachings for spiritual growth, ethical values, and life management.
  • Conduct educational programs to teach the Gita’s philosophy and principles.
  • Promote societal unity and peace through the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings.
  • Preserve Indian culture and heritage via literature, workshops, and cultural events.
  • Establish centers for Vedic education, Sanskrit learning, and social welfare initiatives.


  • Disseminate Bhagavad Gita teachings to all societal segments through educational programs and community activities.
  • Promote personal development, social harmony, and spiritual well-being via Gita’s teachings.
  • Develop age-appropriate curricula and establish centers for children’s Gita education.
  • Organize seminars, workshops, and camps to engage youth with Gita principles.
  • Create self-study groups and resources for elderly individuals to explore Gita teachings.

Support Gita Gurukul

We are operating 3 verticals (in different establishment phases): Gita Gurukul, Gita Swadhyaya Groups, Seminars. Your donation helps us in spreading the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita.


Join Us as a Volunteer

Be a part of our mission to spread the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita.



Contact Us

Gita Mission Office

Vrindavan | Australia | Mumbai | Ayodhya | Chandigarh | Jodhpur | Bhopal | Patna | Jaipur | Guwahati